Yunus Furkan Akbal

Furkan Akbal, who was born in 1993, graduated from Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law in 2016 and started his master’s degree in Istanbul Commerce University Industrial Policy and Technology Management in 2018.
Knowing the incredible importance of Non-Governmental Organizations, Akbal took part in the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Istanbul Young Entrepreneurs Board – Entrepreneur Clubs Platform between 2016-2017. Akbal, who is still a member of the board of directors of FuzulEv operating under Fuzul Holding, has been a member of MUSIAD since 2013 and served as a Board Member of Young MUSIAD between 2014 and 2019. Furkan Akbal, who has been serving as the Chairman of Young MUSIAD since March 2019, has a good command of English.